RFDTV Episode #23 - Lameness Case - Part 3
Lameness Case - Distortion Evaluation - Part 3 of 6
Similar Information - Watch more videos from Episode #1 as Gene talks about Hoof BALANCE & Hoof DISTORTIONS.
E.L.P.O. Hoof Distortion Evaluation Protocol
This protocol was designed by the Equine Lameness Prevention Organization as a way to "grade" the most common hoof distortions. This protocol help hoof care providers track distortion correction progress & to communicate with other hoof care providers, owners & vets.
Another Case Study with Similar Issues
This is another lameness case that Gene documented about 5 years ago. Even though some of the materials used may differ, the basic approach was the same and the results have been outstanding. (Video is about 30 Minutes)
The following video is TWO separate cases that Gene worked on using the same basic "Systematic Approach to Lameness Treatment". (This video is approximately 77 minutes long.)
Quick Reference Guide Download
To download a Simple Quick Reference Guide for Evaluating A/P (front to back) Hoof Balance, Click on the Image to the LEFT. The file is a 1.5MB .pdf
Equine Lameness Prevention Organization "Widest Part of the Foot" Research
The Equine Lameness Prevention Organization has conducted a Radiograph Study in order to offer useful guidelines to hoof care professionals. This project discussed the protocol used to locate internal hoof structures by using external references. Click on the image to the LEFT for a summary of results.
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