RFDTV Episode #20 - Misbehaving
Why do horses misbehave when having their feet done?
Additional Information
Watch more videos from Episode #3 as Gene talks about the Features & Benefits of the Hoofjack™!: www.hoofjack.com
"Hoofjack® Placement & Body Positioning"
This video is provided by Equine Innovations and goes into more detail on using the hoofjack® hoof support system with both front and hind feet. "Comfort for your horse, Ease for your body!"
For more of the Features & Benefits of the hoofjack®, please visit their website:
You can download a FREE instructional video as well as watch many more videos on features and user tips.
Quick Reference Guide Download
To download a Simple Quick Reference Guide for Evaluating A/P (front to back) Hoof Balance, Click on the Image to the LEFT. The file is a 1.5MB .pdf
Equine Lameness Prevention Organization "Widest Part of the Foot" Research
The Equine Lameness Prevention Organization has conducted a Radiograph Study in order to offer useful guidelines to hoof care professionals. This project discussed the protocol used to locate internal hoof structures by using external references. Click on the image to the LEFT for a summary of the results.