RFDTV Episode #4 - Hoof Angles
What is the best hoof angle for my horse?
Additional Information
In the following video Gene discusses the idea of establishing a "Functional" angle for each foot that is based on the individual needs of that foot. Gene also talks about how using a predetermined or arbitrary hoof gauge angle when preparing feet is more likely to cause pathology and lameness issues than by using guidelines that seek balance around the internal anatomy.
Article "Simplifying Hoof Balance" (.pdf)
This article by Gene Ovnicek is a more thorough look at hoof balance and how looking at a few simple, general guidelines can make evaluating and achieving good hoof balance much easier for hoof care professionals.
This article is a .pdf document, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader or another pdf reader installed to view it. (most computers and browsers already have it) You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for FREE from the Adobe Website. Click HERE
Quick Reference Guide Download
To download a Simple Quick Reference Guide for Evaluating A/P (front to back) Hoof Balance, Click on the Image to the LEFT. The file is a 1.5MB .pdf
Equine Lameness Prevention Organization "Widest Part of the Foot" Research
The Equine Lameness Prevention Organization has conducted a Radiograph Study in order to offer useful guidelines to hoof care professionals. This project discussed the protocol used to locate internal hoof structures by using external references. Click on the image to the LEFT for a summary of the results.